Monday, April 30, 2007

THIS IS THE 95TH POST OF OUR CLASS BLOG WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!~ LETS MAKE A HUNDRED WOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!~ but our clazz blog is getting more and more dead so let's all try to 'recover' at least after TA2 Yeah? Good.



Why do bad things happen to me?i was eating at zion road with my friends and then i leaned forward. BIG MISTAKE! i was eating hotpot noodles...guess wat happened. the soup spilled on me...damn pain lor...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

New skin- new link.

Guys, my blog URL is changed to
Change the link in your respective blogs accordingly please.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

damn it wanted 2 spam karthik n fahmy...........sighs 2day the stupid chinese cultural sux!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am all alone there......... stupid higher chinese people who have 2 ccas or three times a week cca..........and stupid normal chinese WHY NV STUDY GOODDAMN HARDER SO THAT U CAN GO INTO HIGHER CHINESE GODDAMN IT.....................lolz toking rubbish..........sianz sorry anyway so long nv i change my blog template looks a bit nicer now :))))))....
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1i finally changed the skin into a better 1 :) lolz very good........ very good...........lolz tokin rubbish........ wasted HALF AN HOUR DOIN THIS CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!nvm looks nicer now :)................. somehow cannot find fahmy's cbox and karthiks 1 too..........sighs...................dam lame lar.......................very bored......................

Friday, April 20, 2007


Hi all,
Kevin here
from next term onwards your chairman is going to be Adil

Thursday, April 19, 2007

OMG EVERIBODY ZONG YANG ( जोंग यांग ) BROKE THE SCHOOL RECORD FER 400M 59.0 sec He Got 58.9 WOOOOO *CLAP*CLAP*CLAP* But he has to re-run on monday as there was a computer glitch and it all screwed up DAMN =( hopefully he can still break the record on mondae coz if he doesnt todaes timing will be TOTALLY IGNORED MAN WTH!?!?!?!?!?! SO GOOD LUCK ZONG YANG ( जोंग यांग )

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

just becos ur useless
easily irritated
have a huge background of discrimination
have the teacher's heart
the tears in ur eyes
in ur heart

each peson has different views
back up
what people c of them is something that the person shld not care.....
some people lack that
their back up is the teacher and parentsthats totally
wtf in a boys school(i tink)
teachers and parents usually blow things out of porpotion
cos of care and concern
oso to protect their"beloved ones"
u cant stop anyone from thinking something about u
u cant control people's feelings about u
hate, love...........
u can though change urself
ur not always in the right.........
nor r u always in the wrong.....
it's human personality to save themselves
saying its other's fault
u think that others r at wat
everything is still the same.........
they still hate u!!!!!!!!!

ur 1 .................we r 28
we can kill and torture if we wanted 2
but we cant b bothered with u.........
cos ur not even worth to even bully.........
not even worth to be killed!!
not even worth to die!!
not even worth to live!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

WHY U ALL SPAM MY POSTS!?!?!?!?!?!?!? lol aniwae as you all ALREDI noe zong yang qualified for the finals.....DUH......if u dont noe then.......>>>>>IDIOT<<<<< he got a NEW personal best of like 12.2 PRO thats faster than sec 2s, and SOME SEC 3s & 4s surprise realli....hes damn fast....seriously guys lets tok serious now - WE OUGHT TO ASK THE TEACHERS TO GIVE ZONG YANG AUTO-QUALIFICATION NEXT YR AND THE YEAR AFTER THAT AND THE YEAR AFTER THAT!!! HES SO DAMN FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BUT LET US NOT FORGET joshua hu also took part in 100m HE QUALIFIED FOR THE FINALS!!!!!!!!!!!WOOT~ here is the 8 hu qualified
  • ZONG YANG (duh) 102
  • Louis 111
  • Joshua (WOOT) 102
  • Terence 105
  • Nevin 105
  • Shashi 111
  • Daryus 110
  • Matin 103

there is like 2 - 102s, 2 - 105s, 2 - 111s, and 110 and 103

THERE IS A SUDDEN NEWS THAT SHASHI ^^^^ is damn fast but according to MY timing hes slower than nevin and zong yang the fastest 2 =)

THEN the 4 x 100 relay 102 BROKE THE WORLD RECORD BY 3 SECONDS MAN WOOT !!!! WORLD RECORD U NOE????????????CAN U BEAT THAT ???? OF COURSE NOT coz 102 had a auto-qualification HEHEHE onli 8 classes turned up lol - 101, 105, 107, 108 = LOSERS STUPID LOL

P.S hu's bringing ball tomorow?

Monday, April 16, 2007

THIS IS THE SUPER LONG JOKE I CREATED ABOUT IT LOL..........then Ian told Sherman to remind him to remind kevin to remind the classthen sherman told zong yang to remind him to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen zong yang told karthik to remind him to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen karthik told bryce to remind him to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen bryce told justin to remind him to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen justin told joshua to remind him to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen joshua told daniel to remind him to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen daniel told shivraj to remind him to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen shivraj told jeren to remind him to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen jeren told leonard to remind him to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen leonard told fahmy to remind him to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen fahmy told gabriel to remind him to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen gabriel told andrew to remind him to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen andrew told timothy to remind him to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen timothy told edward to remind him to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen edward told dylan to remind him to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen dylan told sulaiman to remind him to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen sulaiman told nikolas to remind him to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen nikolas told zhen hong to remind him to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen zhen hong told jeremy to remind him to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen jeremy told brian to remind him to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen brian told ameerul to remind him to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen ameerul told adil to remind him to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen adil told bertrand to remind him to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen bertrand told jared to remind him to remind adil to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen jared OBVIOUSLY told sebastian(serlesbian) to remind him to remind bertrand to remind adil to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen sebastian(serlesbian) told melvin to remind him to remind his lover(jared) to remind bertrand to remind adil to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classTHEN MELVIN HAS USUAL, WROTE ALL THAT IN IS GEEKY NOTEBOOK AND THERE ENDS THE JOKE LOLLol those whose name I forgot to include, I apologise as my eyes are like bleeding now lololololol. HOPEFULLY u had some laughs hehe…Karthik
Hello is my blogskin nice????sae yes. actually i realli lyk it.Fridae was damn funny la let me tell u1.After P.E i accidently take the wrong pant lorr!!!it was bryce's.actually he took mine then i wore the one that was on my chair IT WAS DAMN FUNNI LA then miss wee come in the class aredi!then i was like WTF then i turn around and chng!2.We all had to a anenmometer and it was like NOONE DID IT except like 2 groups lol then durring recess evrione was like CHEONG DE we all buy like 4 milkshakes and 4 H2Os each group and then FINISH all and then do.WAH our MOUTHS WOULD HAVE BEEN SUPER COLD la but we share within our group and with those hu had done the project alredi! ALL OF US manage to complete but in the end...SHE DID NOT EVEN COLLECT AR!!!!WTH!?!?!?3.geog lesson ending then ms wong told kevin(chairman) to remind the class to bring geog books on wed as there was extra lessons. then she ask Ian(geog rep.) to remind kevin to remind the class LOL then i made a SUPER LONG joke bout it i tell all of you in another post!Karthik
THIS IS THE SUPER LONG JOKE I CREATED ABOUT IT LOL..........then Ian told Sherman to remind him to remind kevin to remind the classthen sherman told zong yang to remind him to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen zong yang told karthik to remind him to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen karthik told bryce to remind him to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen bryce told justin to remind him to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen justin told joshua to remind him to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen joshua told daniel to remind him to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen daniel told shivraj to remind him to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen shivraj told jeren to remind him to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen jeren told leonard to remind him to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen leonard told fahmy to remind him to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen fahmy told gabriel to remind him to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen gabriel told andrew to remind him to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen andrew told timothy to remind him to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen timothy told edward to remind him to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen edward told dylan to remind him to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen dylan told sulaiman to remind him to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen sulaiman told nikolas to remind him to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen nikolas told zhen hong to remind him to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen zhen hong told jeremy to remind him to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen jeremy told brian to remind him to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen brian told ameerul to remind him to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen ameerul told adil to remind him to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen adil told bertrand to remind him to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen bertrand told jared to remind him to remind adil to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen jared OBVIOUSLY told sebastian(serlesbian) to remind him to remind bertrand to remind adil to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen sebastian(serlesbian) told melvin to remind him to remind his lover(jared) to remind bertrand to remind adil to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classTHEN MELVIN HAS USUAL, WROTE ALL THAT IN IS GEEKY NOTEBOOK AND THERE ENDS THE JOKE LOLLol those whose name I forgot to include, I apologise as my eyes are like bleeding now lololololol. HOPEFULLY u had some laughs hehe…Karthik
Hello is my blogskin nice????sae yes. actually i realli lyk it.Fridae was damn funny la let me tell u1.After P.E i accidently take the wrong pant lorr!!!it was bryce's.actually he took mine then i wore the one that was on my chair IT WAS DAMN FUNNI LA then miss wee come in the class aredi!then i was like WTF then i turn around and chng!2.We all had to a anenmometer and it was like NOONE DID IT except like 2 groups lol then durring recess evrione was like CHEONG DE we all buy like 4 milkshakes and 4 H2Os each group and then FINISH all and then do.WAH our MOUTHS WOULD HAVE BEEN SUPER COLD la but we share within our group and with those hu had done the project alredi! ALL OF US manage to complete but in the end...SHE DID NOT EVEN COLLECT AR!!!!WTH!?!?!?3.geog lesson ending then ms wong told kevin(chairman) to remind the class to bring geog books on wed as there was extra lessons. then she ask Ian(geog rep.) to remind kevin to remind the class LOL then i made a SUPER LONG joke bout it i tell all of you in another post!Karthik
THIS IS THE SUPER LONG JOKE I CREATED ABOUT IT LOL..........then Ian told Sherman to remind him to remind kevin to remind the classthen sherman told zong yang to remind him to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen zong yang told karthik to remind him to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen karthik told bryce to remind him to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen bryce told justin to remind him to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen justin told joshua to remind him to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen joshua told daniel to remind him to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen daniel told shivraj to remind him to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen shivraj told jeren to remind him to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen jeren told leonard to remind him to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen leonard told fahmy to remind him to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen fahmy told gabriel to remind him to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen gabriel told andrew to remind him to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen andrew told timothy to remind him to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen timothy told edward to remind him to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen edward told dylan to remind him to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen dylan told sulaiman to remind him to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen sulaiman told nikolas to remind him to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen nikolas told zhen hong to remind him to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen zhen hong told jeremy to remind him to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen jeremy told brian to remind him to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen brian told ameerul to remind him to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen ameerul told adil to remind him to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen adil told bertrand to remind him to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen bertrand told jared to remind him to remind adil to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen jared OBVIOUSLY told sebastian(serlesbian) to remind him to remind bertrand to remind adil to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen sebastian(serlesbian) told melvin to remind him to remind his lover(jared) to remind bertrand to remind adil to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classTHEN MELVIN HAS USUAL, WROTE ALL THAT IN IS GEEKY NOTEBOOK AND THERE ENDS THE JOKE LOLLol those whose name I forgot to include, I apologise as my eyes are like bleeding now lololololol. HOPEFULLY u had some laughs hehe…Karthik
Hello is my blogskin nice????sae yes. actually i realli lyk it.Fridae was damn funny la let me tell u1.After P.E i accidently take the wrong pant lorr!!!it was bryce's.actually he took mine then i wore the one that was on my chair IT WAS DAMN FUNNI LA then miss wee come in the class aredi!then i was like WTF then i turn around and chng!2.We all had to a anenmometer and it was like NOONE DID IT except like 2 groups lol then durring recess evrione was like CHEONG DE we all buy like 4 milkshakes and 4 H2Os each group and then FINISH all and then do.WAH our MOUTHS WOULD HAVE BEEN SUPER COLD la but we share within our group and with those hu had done the project alredi! ALL OF US manage to complete but in the end...SHE DID NOT EVEN COLLECT AR!!!!WTH!?!?!?3.geog lesson ending then ms wong told kevin(chairman) to remind the class to bring geog books on wed as there was extra lessons. then she ask Ian(geog rep.) to remind kevin to remind the class LOL then i made a SUPER LONG joke bout it i tell all of you in another post!Karthik
THIS IS THE SUPER LONG JOKE I CREATED ABOUT IT LOL..........then Ian told Sherman to remind him to remind kevin to remind the classthen sherman told zong yang to remind him to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen zong yang told karthik to remind him to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen karthik told bryce to remind him to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen bryce told justin to remind him to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen justin told joshua to remind him to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen joshua told daniel to remind him to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen daniel told shivraj to remind him to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen shivraj told jeren to remind him to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen jeren told leonard to remind him to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen leonard told fahmy to remind him to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen fahmy told gabriel to remind him to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen gabriel told andrew to remind him to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen andrew told timothy to remind him to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen timothy told edward to remind him to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen edward told dylan to remind him to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen dylan told sulaiman to remind him to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen sulaiman told nikolas to remind him to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen nikolas told zhen hong to remind him to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen zhen hong told jeremy to remind him to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen jeremy told brian to remind him to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen brian told ameerul to remind him to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen ameerul told adil to remind him to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen adil told bertrand to remind him to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen bertrand told jared to remind him to remind adil to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen jared OBVIOUSLY told sebastian(serlesbian) to remind him to remind bertrand to remind adil to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen sebastian(serlesbian) told melvin to remind him to remind his lover(jared) to remind bertrand to remind adil to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classTHEN MELVIN HAS USUAL, WROTE ALL THAT IN IS GEEKY NOTEBOOK AND THERE ENDS THE JOKE LOLLol those whose name I forgot to include, I apologise as my eyes are like bleeding now lololololol. HOPEFULLY u had some laughs hehe…Karthik
Hello is my blogskin nice????sae yes. actually i realli lyk it.Fridae was damn funny la let me tell u1.After P.E i accidently take the wrong pant lorr!!!it was bryce's.actually he took mine then i wore the one that was on my chair IT WAS DAMN FUNNI LA then miss wee come in the class aredi!then i was like WTF then i turn around and chng!2.We all had to a anenmometer and it was like NOONE DID IT except like 2 groups lol then durring recess evrione was like CHEONG DE we all buy like 4 milkshakes and 4 H2Os each group and then FINISH all and then do.WAH our MOUTHS WOULD HAVE BEEN SUPER COLD la but we share within our group and with those hu had done the project alredi! ALL OF US manage to complete but in the end...SHE DID NOT EVEN COLLECT AR!!!!WTH!?!?!?3.geog lesson ending then ms wong told kevin(chairman) to remind the class to bring geog books on wed as there was extra lessons. then she ask Ian(geog rep.) to remind kevin to remind the class LOL then i made a SUPER LONG joke bout it i tell all of you in another post!Karthik
THIS IS THE SUPER LONG JOKE I CREATED ABOUT IT LOL..........then Ian told Sherman to remind him to remind kevin to remind the classthen sherman told zong yang to remind him to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen zong yang told karthik to remind him to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen karthik told bryce to remind him to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen bryce told justin to remind him to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen justin told joshua to remind him to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen joshua told daniel to remind him to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen daniel told shivraj to remind him to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen shivraj told jeren to remind him to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen jeren told leonard to remind him to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen leonard told fahmy to remind him to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen fahmy told gabriel to remind him to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen gabriel told andrew to remind him to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen andrew told timothy to remind him to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen timothy told edward to remind him to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen edward told dylan to remind him to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen dylan told sulaiman to remind him to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen sulaiman told nikolas to remind him to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen nikolas told zhen hong to remind him to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen zhen hong told jeremy to remind him to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen jeremy told brian to remind him to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen brian told ameerul to remind him to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen ameerul told adil to remind him to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen adil told bertrand to remind him to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen bertrand told jared to remind him to remind adil to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen jared OBVIOUSLY told sebastian(serlesbian) to remind him to remind bertrand to remind adil to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen sebastian(serlesbian) told melvin to remind him to remind his lover(jared) to remind bertrand to remind adil to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classTHEN MELVIN HAS USUAL, WROTE ALL THAT IN IS GEEKY NOTEBOOK AND THERE ENDS THE JOKE LOLLol those whose name I forgot to include, I apologise as my eyes are like bleeding now lololololol. HOPEFULLY u had some laughs hehe…Karthik
Hello is my blogskin nice????sae yes. actually i realli lyk it.Fridae was damn funny la let me tell u1.After P.E i accidently take the wrong pant lorr!!!it was bryce's.actually he took mine then i wore the one that was on my chair IT WAS DAMN FUNNI LA then miss wee come in the class aredi!then i was like WTF then i turn around and chng!2.We all had to a anenmometer and it was like NOONE DID IT except like 2 groups lol then durring recess evrione was like CHEONG DE we all buy like 4 milkshakes and 4 H2Os each group and then FINISH all and then do.WAH our MOUTHS WOULD HAVE BEEN SUPER COLD la but we share within our group and with those hu had done the project alredi! ALL OF US manage to complete but in the end...SHE DID NOT EVEN COLLECT AR!!!!WTH!?!?!?3.geog lesson ending then ms wong told kevin(chairman) to remind the class to bring geog books on wed as there was extra lessons. then she ask Ian(geog rep.) to remind kevin to remind the class LOL then i made a SUPER LONG joke bout it i tell all of you in another post!Karthik

Sunday, April 15, 2007


then Ian told Sherman to remind him to remind kevin to remind the class
then sherman told zong yang to remind him to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the class
then zong yang told karthik to remind him to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the class
then karthik told bryce to remind him to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the class
then bryce told justin to remind him to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the class
then justin told joshua to remind him to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the class
then joshua told daniel to remind him to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the class
then daniel told shivraj to remind him to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the class
then shivraj told jeren to remind him to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the class
then jeren told leonard to remind him to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the class
then leonard told fahmy to remind him to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the class
then fahmy told gabriel to remind him to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the class
then gabriel told andrew to remind him to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the class
then andrew told timothy to remind him to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the class
then timothy told edward to remind him to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the class
then edward told dylan to remind him to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the class
then dylan told sulaiman to remind him to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the class
then sulaiman told nikolas to remind him to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the class
then nikolas told zhen hong to remind him to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the class
then zhen hong told jeremy to remind him to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the class
then jeremy told brian to remind him to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the class
then brian told ameerul to remind him to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the class
then ameerul told adil to remind him to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the class
then adil told bertrand to remind him to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the class
then bertrand told jared to remind him to remind adil to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the class
then jared OBVIOUSLY told sebastian(serlesbian) to remind him to remind bertrand to remind adil to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the class
then sebastian(serlesbian) told melvin to remind him to remind his lover(jared) to remind bertrand to remind adil to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the class
Lol those whose name I forgot to include, I apologise as my eyes are like bleeding now lololololol. HOPEFULLY u had some laughs hehe…

Hello is my blogskin nice????sae yes. actually i realli lyk it.Fridae was damn funny la let me tell u
1.After P.E i accidently take the wrong pant lorr!!!it was bryce's.actually he took mine then i wore the one that was on my chair IT WAS DAMN FUNNI LA then miss wee come in the class aredi!then i was like WTF then i turn around and chng!

2.We all had to a anenmometer and it was like NOONE DID IT except like 2 groups lol then durring recess evrione was like CHEONG DE we all buy like 4 milkshakes and 4 H2Os each group and then FINISH all and then do.WAH our MOUTHS WOULD HAVE BEEN SUPER COLD la but we share within our group and with those hu had done the project alredi! ALL OF US manage to complete but in the end...SHE DID NOT EVEN COLLECT AR!!!!WTH!?!?!?

3.geog lesson ending then ms wong told kevin(chairman) to remind the class to bring geog books on wed as there was extra lessons. then she ask Ian(geog rep.) to remind kevin to remind the class LOL then i made a SUPER LONG joke bout it i tell all of you in another post!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

What is depression?
what is wrong with me?
whats happening?
who cares?
who would?
i dont want to tell to anyone!
nor would anyone listen!
my situation is hopeless!
or is it just me?
nothings wrong!!
its not me nor anyone!
then who izzit??
i dont know................................cookies??

2 scars on my neck, izzit gone?? i dont know
but it sure feels like it's still there...

मेरे नाम कार्थिक है LOL now i can type in hindi!!!! its a new thing in Blogger!lol that actually means this - my name is karthik LOL its damn pro coz its not like each keyboard button stands for a character you just type it in english phoenatically LOL अलविदा a.k.a bye bye

Friday, April 13, 2007

WAH LAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!finally its WeEkEndS..............very happy...............can slack a bit................very bored chinese homework and the esplanade thingy........sianz...........2day damn fun man..........every1 4got to bring (more like no1 did except 2 noob groups)lolz...........we recess that time cheong like retarded mad the end we all use the cups from vending machine.........lucky man...........then we all got our the end WE COULD NOT PASS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!thats like so retarded dude..............we 4gotten to write the stupid paragraph about the dunno wad shit 1...........damn lame man cheong like shit in the end miss wong nv even collect say we havent write the goddamn thing wednesday still have geog extra..................i dunno y i suddenly like 2 say goddamn ........... y no1 blog 1????????goddamn justin nv blog 1?????? he hav gmail leh........y kevin nv add him 1???????????sianz....i end the goddamn thing here larr........

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Man... I dont have a baby pic. Is it compulsory??? Btw, Kevin, If we dun hav a pic, we wont be able to find it.

Reminder: baby pics

Hi all
please remember to bring your baby picture tomorrow
If you don't have

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Oh Shoot

I AM SO DEAD TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

yo guys...........hows every1....i damn sian chinese hw havent do yet but still come and blog......lols .... my com no chinese so i just write on paper lorr.........2 bored.......... y cant justin help ,e do the damn thing...lols..........i gonna write my chinese thingy now.........if tired then just sleep choice.lolz forced.xD ....2day dam funny.......sherman sabo zong yang leh...say that he luv his butt in zong yangs name.....LOLZ........zong yang dam pissed........lols......i gonna end here lars.....
(bryce is bloodyrip...nxt time i juz use bloodyrip...)
Dang, sry sherman, when i tried to post the urls, I couldnt enter the blog because of parental control. I wonder why. So i had to delete the post. Ill just write down the urls and pass them to you. HEY EVERYONE!!! MAY 9th CHELSEA VS MANCHESTER UNITED MATCH IS SMACK RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF COMMON TEST!!!! LITERALLY!!! Oh yeah. Leonard, dont spam.

Monday, April 9, 2007



Hi Mrs Kwok , Lol.
Leonard The Spammer!

Founder's Relay

So today was Founder's Day. We had to sing many many songs and saw many people go on stage to receive their awards. Which is pretty boring. Many came from ACJC, RJC and NJC. Anyway, the event of the day was that today was the Founder's Relay. Fintanites only had a few shirts among us and we kept on swapping with each other. Lol. I was the third runner for my event and when the baton came to me, Fintan was already behind Michael. And their third runner was fellow sprinter so I had to increase my speed of what I had intended to run with. Finally, I overtook Isa and passed the baton to Darius and he finished and we came in first! Not only that, other Fintanites which represented um, Fintan(duh) got first too. So, Sec1 Fintanites won the 4x200,4x300,4x600. Woot,woot. What do you call this? Yes, OWNAGE. Haha. The ultimate relay was cancelled as there was a heavy downpour. But heck la, we all know that Fintan rocks and that's enough. XD

(Zong Yang)

Sunday, April 8, 2007

erm betrand.....

PEOPLE DUN EVEN HAVE SCHOOL ON THEIR FOUNDERS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\

Woops, sry, keep forgetting to put my name, anyway, Im Bertrand.

Hi guys, Man, does any other school give you halfday on founders day? Then again, does any other school even HAVE founders day? WOOHOO!!!

wah lao..... got dam a lot of things to do 2day .....damn chinese physics chinese stuff chinese AGAIN......lols......gonna blog 2day....past few days nv blog....sorry the founders relay i think fintan sure win 1 lars.... stupid justin didnt bring his dam pe attire..sighs....he whole day like that 1 leh..........i gonna end here lars ..2 many things 2 do......

Birthday Superstition

Hi Ya'll
Found this on the web
Birthday superstitions based on the day you were born on

Monday's child is fair of face;
Tuesday's child is full of grace;
Wednesday's child is full of woe;
Thursday's child has far to go;
Friday's child is loving and giving;
Saturday's child works hard for a living.
But the child that is born on the Sabbath day is
fair and wise, good and gay.


Saturday, April 7, 2007

Faith makes all things possible.
Love makes them easy.

has anyone felt this way b4???

Death wanders through our lives at will, sweet Death
Is busy with each intake of our breath.
Why do you fear her?
Lo, her laughing face
All rosy with the light of jocund grace !
A kind and lovely maiden culling flowers
In a sweet garden fresh with vernal showers,
This is the thing you fear, young portress bright
Who opens to our souls the worlds of light.
Is it because the twisted stem must feel
Pain when the tenderest hands its glory steal?
Is it because the flowerless stalk droops dull
And ghastly now that was so beautiful ?
Or is it the opening portal's horrid jar
That shakes you, feeble souls of courage bare?
Death is but changing of our robes to wait
In wedding garments at the Eternal's gate.

"Les poèmes de Sri Aurobindo"
A lesson from a dear friend

'Young organisms -- human young especially, perhaps -- are relatively defenseless in the face of serious trauma, and its (negative) effects may prove both permanent and profound. Young monkeys raised in situations of gross maternal deprivation are permanently "traumatized" -- unable to regroup their adaptive resources, even when a more benign environment is (later) restored. Conversely, a major failure or rejection in the realm of romantic love may leave even a fully adult human permanently "injured".

adapted from some book...
anyone with this expierence
hope 4 u to change..

from olive-candles

it's really sad to realise,after much struggle,that i'm not a christian after all.and it hurts becausei feel like i've lost a (huge) part of me.worse still,i'm having doubts about God now.and it tears me up me.

From olive-candles

i like the word "maybe".it doesn't promise; it wouldn't lead to gives a light of hope, a hint of possibility.(at the same time, it could also mean a chance of misfortune.)it is realistic, it paints the very uncertainty of the provokes deeper thought, opens up a new array of ideas.
maybe she loves me.
maybe he doesn't like me.
maybe she can be cured.
maybe the operation will fail.
maybe God is real.
maybe it will come tomorrow.
maybe she's just late.
maybe the paper wouldn't be so tough.
maybe this theory is true.
maybe we can prove it wrong.
its a human sign
when things go wrong
when the scent og her lingers
temptation strong

into the bounty
of each married man
sweet deciet comes calling
and negativity lands

cold cold heart
have done buy you
some things hust look better
when your just passing through

ans its not just sacrifice
this simple word
it's 2 hearts living
in 2 seperate worlds
but it's no sacrifice
none at all....

mutual misunderstanding
after the fact
sensitivity builds a prison
in the final act

we lose direction
no stone unturned
no tears to damn you
when jealously burns
when trust is lost
when love dies

cold cold heart
have done by you
some things look better
when just passing through

and it's no sacrifice
not just a simple word
that pierces your heart

it hurts so bad....
find out

shut up JaNn

Sweet sacrifice:

It's true, we're all a little insane
but it's so clear
now that im unchained

fear is only in our minds
taking over all the time
fear is only in our minds but it's always
taking over all the time

you poor sweet innocent thing
dry your eyes and testify
you know you live to break me ... don't deny
sweet sacrifice

one day im gonna forget your name
one sweet day
your going to drown in my lost pain

fear is only in our minds
taking over all the time
fear is only in our minds but it's always
taking over all the time

you poor sweet innocent thing
dry your eyes and testify
and oh! you love to hate me don't you, you sweet little thing
I'm your sacrifice

i dream in darkness
i sleep to die
erase the silence
erase my life
our burning ashes
blacken the day
a world of nothingness
blow me away

do you wonder why you hate?
are you still too weak to
survive your mistake

you poor sweet innocent thing
dry your eyes and testify
you know you live to break me ... don't deny
sweet sacrifice
i end my life...

Zong Yang's race.

See Zong Yang? You rocked! Congratulations man! Done 102 PROUD. I was so sure you'd be at least top 3 in SJI. Keep doing your stuff man!

BTW, was your timing with or without H2O? If without, then with H20 you might have made it to the finals!
Zong Yang, you better stay in Track. You're going to go far there as long as you keep up your already excellent academic work!


Zong Yang's race.

See Zong Yang? You rocked! Congratulations man! Done 102 PROUD. I was so sure you'd be at least top 3 in SJI. Keep doing your stuff man!

BTW, was your timing with or without H2O? If without, then with H20 you might have made it to the finals!
Zong Yang, you better stay in Track. You're going to go far there as long as you keep up your already excellent academic work!



What a great day! Today was the Junior Athletic Championships and I represented SJI in it. Though I didn't get into the finals(it was expected cos it was an under-15 category), I broke my own personal record. Now my new record stands at 12.51. Woot. I came in second in my own heats and the best thing is that I won some sec2 guy from Singapore Sports School. It was indeed a sense of achievement.I was a bundle of nerves before the race as I had to face sec2s. In the end, I kept my calm and gave what I had. And oh my gosh, to my surprise, I was the fastest Josephian for that category. Which means I amazingly won the sec2s too. Double the joy. Woot! HAHA. At least I won the SSS guy. It was really cool man. The person who came in first was 0.12 seconds faster and he took the last place in the finals. And unlike what Karthik said, it is really A LOT of difference. Owells. But the consoling factor is that he is sec2. So it ain't that bad after all.

(Zong Yang)
NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!EVERIONE zong yang did relatively well for his heats he came in second and his timing was a BRILLIANT PERSONAL RECORD OF 12.51 SECONDS WOW seriosly WOW after all 16 heats(8 people) thats total of 128 runners from SKOOLS ALL OVER SINGAPORE!!!especially s'pore sports skool hu had the fastest runners man I HAD A FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE ZONG YANG WAS THE FASTEST IN SJI MAN INCLUDING SEC 2 (it was a under-15 race)MAN HE WAS PRO!?!?!? i mean if he ran 0.12sec he would hav been in the finals wow thats a tiny margin in racing that cozes A LOT OF DIFFERENCE ANI WAE IM SO PROUD OF HIM YOU SHUD TOO or

tim abt zys race...

how did you do for the race zy???hope you won...

Friday, April 6, 2007

Woot ! Today Zong Yang's race ! Oi , Zong Yang , if you're reading , you better win ahh ! Or else ...... Lol , kidding ! Just Do Your Best !

From 102 ( More Like Leonard On Behalf Of The Class =P )

BEAT THAT ok nvm its getting lame so ya...zong yang GOOD LUCK U GOT KARTHIK"S HOME SUPPORT coz i live at bukit gombak mah? so ya... and wats 'tuitors' theres no such thing its supposed to be 'tutors' without the 'i' so kevin change it yeah? BB......

Hi Sherman

Hi Sherman
You have finally decided to join us!
You using zy's account ah?



Happy Good Friday


Zong Yang

Tomorrow's the day! My under-15 race. Bundles of nerves now. I wonder if I can pass the heats. Anyway, it seems I can't rest much for this long weekend. Have been extremely busy. Quite a number of homework and I also had to do my own foot drills and all those sort. It leaves me a little time to chill out which I usually do during normal weekends. I hope that I can go through the heats at least la. Counting on my spike shoes. Haha. Hope it wouldn't let me down! XD Ok , end of post. Bye.

(Zong Yang)

101 people

The 101 boys have blogs
and they have to blog for hw(i think)

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Hey Happy Birthday Joshua even though this post is one day late.(I stayed in church till 11pm so could not post).....from the overthrown prayer leader

Hmmm, 2 can play at that game. MUAHAHA!!! Manchester United ROCKS!!!! How much longer till man u goes against chelsea? I wanna watch that match. Itll be the greatest match EVER!!!! WOOHOO!!!
Unless of course, manchester united loses, but im stating the impossible so, nvm. Hey, daniel/sherman, put a liverpool crest above this post!!!

they rock and if u disagree then too bad fer u coz ure supporting the rong team aredi hehe... now to class news... hmmm... JOSHUA"S BIRTHDAY!!!! woot happi birthdae to you bugger (haha) wats ur dream present a bunch of muscles???lol aniwae tag at cbox and tell me some gd songs so that i can dwld it hehe ... BB oh ya im karthik

josh, best of wishes...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

Joshua hbd

From Class 102
(Well, atually this is Kevin)
But seriously, guys, can u guys gimmie ur msn ? I like have only 1/8 of the class ! WTF!
O Yeah , one more thing , I rock right ? Tell me I rock ! Ok , thats it , youre dead !
...........................*BLAM BLAM*.................................... MUAHAHAHAHA
( Nothing Nice To Write Coz .......... Nothing To Write La ! So I Shoot People ! =D )

~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~Peace Out ! 102 ROCKS!~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-
wah lao ..... 2day sux man...... at least 2morow can slack............ good friday... lols ....... i got nothing 2 blog about. and this is bryce ........ c i put my name ok........... lolz.........damn bored......y no 1 tag my blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!tag my blog!!!!!!!!!!! i got nothin more 2 blog lar...... forget it i jusy end here............ bryce again if u didnt realise...........

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

come on lah...zy you noe you can do it...yes you can!!!


OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD. I have a 100m race at Bukit Gombak Stadium on Saturday. Under-15 category, which means there are sec2s. I don't know if I can win...

(Zong Yang)
sigh... kevin whatever happened to the"put your name after your blog"campaign???alot of our classmates are not putting their names after posts...try and enforce leh...

to zy

Zong Yang
MUST win ah!

Zongyang here again...

Hm, he's fast. Haha. I'm now under pressure. Nevin and Louis is both in 100m. And it's rather certain we all can get into the finals la. That's like *duh*. But that will happen if nothing goes wrong la. Nevin's buying spike shoes soon. Then, he will be faster. Will I buckle under pressure? NO WAY. More motivation to win 100m! To beat the 100m record is my aim now. Nevin and Louis is gonna be tough matches, BUT, I won't be daunted. And what's more, 100m is supposed to be my best event! So hell no, I will give up and lose to them. NO WAY. XD
Zong Yang
43 days to my BIRTHDAY!!!! WOOTWOOT!!! YEAH!!!!



Tuesday, April 3, 2007


If you all got blog please tell me then I can link it to this blog
You all can post it in the cbox or tell me in school
Hi guys! Man, i finally have access to this blog. MUAHAHAH!!! Now i can spam you all!!!! But i wont. otherwise, youll just beat me up in school. Kevin, dun forget to put in a b-day list. We should also put in a class poll or something. Find out how many peeps like chelsea or man u or whatever. Yup, thats my suggestion. And we should get more songs. Oh what the heck, im sounding too bossy. Ill leave the decisions to class chairman. Oh, yeah, I cant believe chelsea beat watford by a measly 1-0. BOOOOOOO


Zong yang here.

Sorry guys, too lazy so I copied pasted from my own blog AGAIN. LOL.

Woot, woot! LOL XD. Yay. Won the 200m for sec1s. George was second. Despite my first position, I'm not at all satisfied la. Almost beat the record. Almost. Nevermind then. My aim is to beat the 100m record anyway. 102 will own in relays. Trying to beat the record can be our target. We got auto-qualification for 4X400m relay. Yay. LOL. That's all. See you all next time.(If you don't know who am I, forget it. XD)

Zong Yang

the heats ... n my darn chinese class....

crap lars just now i blog wrong **** least now can lorr....... 2day zong yang damn pro man...... got gold leh i knew he would get gold man... now his mom have to buy stuff for him for his reward........ lolz good job sherman zong yang andrew joshua daniel and the other people. pai seh cannot remember...... 2day chinese lang SUX.... it was terrible man...... it was ultimately boring.... my stupid friend still keep singing some retarded song...... i damn pissed then i beat him up xD......... beating him up wasa the most fun part man ...... besides that .... IT WAS TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Labels: ,

The relay results..!!

W0o! 102 has pwned! Zong Yang got 1st in both the heats and finals , and missed the school record by 1 SECOND! Good job though! 102's first medal!
While this was going on, Andrew took part in the 1500m run, but unfortunately, he himself doesn't know what position he came in! I'm sure he did his best though!!
All this while Joshua and Sherman have been watching, but wait! Where's Justin? He's...... he's......

-dun dun dun!-

Justin didn't turn up for the 4x400 relay. Fortunately, since only 6 teams signed up for the 4x400, there was no need for heats. So 102 will live to run another day... with Justin!

*Fortunate that the dead-tired Andrew didn't have to replace Justin*

(The Destroyer)
who's the hypocrite???you write tht post abt putting your names aft posts but onself nvr put...diao...

Monday, April 2, 2007


Can you guys pls put your names after your posts
And btw do you all want me to link my blog to this one?
(sorry lah, forgot to put my name also)

Zongyang here

I merely copied pasted from my blog so yeah. LOL. Woot woot! XD Today Daniel Chua told me that Terence, Nevin and I are being sent for some Juniors (no idea what) competition. The event is 100m, which is my favourite event! The bad thing? It is and under-15 category. WHICH MEANS SEC2s CAN TAKE PART. BAD BAD BAD. Never mind la. Should be fine. Mr Chua don't expect us to win anyway. LOL. But, I want to try. It would be good getting the experience. Anyway, 200m heats and finals tomorrow! The 4X400m heats relay too! Haha. My name wasn't included in the 200m list(o.o) so I had to get a correction form. Coach said he will look through. HE HAD BETTER PUT ME IN. I SIGNED UP FOR IT. Hm, that's about it , yeah bye guys.

(If you don't know who am I, I don't blame you if you are not from 102.)

Your friendly neighbourhood EMOSHIVRAJ dropping by


<(O-O<) (>O-O)>

(^O-O^) (vO-Ov)

Now watch Kirby get humped again.. and again!!!

<(^_^<) <)
^Kirby#1 ^#2

He's getting humped to death!!!

Poor Kirby..BYE GUYS!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

YOYOYO~ itz karthik here a.k.a fracture boi im happi to contribute to the rocking 102 class blog!!! so await for 2morow for a dae of fun and joy WOOT~ 102 juz rox ok?can? we hav the best mix of people academicly wise and physically wise AND funniness wise and there is different type of funniness lyk - lameness funniness, natural joke funniness, making fun funniness etc. aniwae i spent 2 whole minutes on this post so BB (now itz 2min and 34 sec)
everyone lets speak good english frm now on ok?

3, 2, 1 start!!


OMFG. This blog is overloading with languges that most of us don't understand a single bit. Which I wonder, the purpose of a class blog? Post stuff that almost the entire class don't understand? Perfect. 102 classmates, please bring sports shoes for NAPFA tomorrow if you want and I'm sure it will help. Anyway, supposedly better schools are kind of looking down at better schools. It's pretty obvious. For heavens's sake, those are the people who are only academically-inclined. An all-rounder is more important, agree? Buzz off, proud a**es