Monday, April 9, 2007

Founder's Relay

So today was Founder's Day. We had to sing many many songs and saw many people go on stage to receive their awards. Which is pretty boring. Many came from ACJC, RJC and NJC. Anyway, the event of the day was that today was the Founder's Relay. Fintanites only had a few shirts among us and we kept on swapping with each other. Lol. I was the third runner for my event and when the baton came to me, Fintan was already behind Michael. And their third runner was fellow sprinter so I had to increase my speed of what I had intended to run with. Finally, I overtook Isa and passed the baton to Darius and he finished and we came in first! Not only that, other Fintanites which represented um, Fintan(duh) got first too. So, Sec1 Fintanites won the 4x200,4x300,4x600. Woot,woot. What do you call this? Yes, OWNAGE. Haha. The ultimate relay was cancelled as there was a heavy downpour. But heck la, we all know that Fintan rocks and that's enough. XD

(Zong Yang)


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