Friday, April 13, 2007

WAH LAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!finally its WeEkEndS..............very happy...............can slack a bit................very bored chinese homework and the esplanade thingy........sianz...........2day damn fun man..........every1 4got to bring (more like no1 did except 2 noob groups)lolz...........we recess that time cheong like retarded mad the end we all use the cups from vending machine.........lucky man...........then we all got our the end WE COULD NOT PASS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!thats like so retarded dude..............we 4gotten to write the stupid paragraph about the dunno wad shit 1...........damn lame man cheong like shit in the end miss wong nv even collect say we havent write the goddamn thing wednesday still have geog extra..................i dunno y i suddenly like 2 say goddamn ........... y no1 blog 1????????goddamn justin nv blog 1?????? he hav gmail leh........y kevin nv add him 1???????????sianz....i end the goddamn thing here larr........


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