Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I'm ba-ack!

So, I'm back. From Malaysia. Just to update, I went to Malaysia for a cousin's wedding. Biologically he's my uncle but we treat each other like cousins. :/ So yeah. I went to the Megamall and there's this shop there called Animetech. I bought some Naruto products, including a shiny black shuriken. BUT, on the way back, the police at Singapore immigration detained it. I was like, "What? Huh?". And the guy was all "This sort of thing is not allowed. It's a weapon". I'm like " IT'S A TOY". Then they called my parents, and the officer there, one guy called Mr. Toh or whatever, he couldn't decide whether to confiscate it or give it back. So, he decided to call his superiors. Wow, superior not answering the phone. WAY TO GO ON EFFICIENCY, SINGAPORE! *CLAPCLAPCLAP* He can't make his own decision, so he sits there, repeatedly call the superior. I was thinking, "We're holding up a bus and my anxious grandparents are getting more worried by the minute. Do the sensible thing and make a frickin' temporary decision. Take the stupid star for all I care, I just want to get home." So my dad thought of the same thing and told him. Meanwhile the ass bus conductor was getting impatient. So while I'm detained he tells everyone on the bus, " Please do NOT bring REAL weapons into Singapore." and my sister gets up and shoots back, " IT'S A TOY!". So meanwhile, the police took it temporarily to examine it and if I'm lucky I get it back in 7 days. If I'm not, they keep it. I hope I get the box back though.

So anyway, back to the bus. When I finally got back on, my sister told me what the guys said. I was so angry, I mashed up the complimentary uneaten brownie I had in the plastic bag, made a hole and SMEARED IT ALL OVER THE LOUNGE ON THE LOWER DECK SO THAT IDIOT HAD TO CLEAN IT. No wait, vengeance not done yet. Oh, not yet. After the ride, I alighted, and before he went in to find the mess I made, I showed him my empty bottle of pepsi.
"Boss, the bottle quite long you know! Weapon or not? You sure can bring into Singapore?" He looked like he wanted to slap me, so I dropped the bottle at his feet, told him to go stuff his face in it, and went to get my luggage. While he was removing luggage from the compartment, I quickly took my bag and ran off, before he noticed me. The feeling, oh my god, is sooo awesome!!!! Especially when done on an adult.
So that was the most interesting part of my trip to Malaysia. Other stuff were quite meh, a not bad hotel, a comfy room, good food, slow room service , and alot of other stuff. Now it's time to buck up and study hard!

Oh, and I just felt like bolding this post.


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