Monday, April 16, 2007

THIS IS THE SUPER LONG JOKE I CREATED ABOUT IT LOL..........then Ian told Sherman to remind him to remind kevin to remind the classthen sherman told zong yang to remind him to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen zong yang told karthik to remind him to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen karthik told bryce to remind him to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen bryce told justin to remind him to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen justin told joshua to remind him to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen joshua told daniel to remind him to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen daniel told shivraj to remind him to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen shivraj told jeren to remind him to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen jeren told leonard to remind him to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen leonard told fahmy to remind him to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen fahmy told gabriel to remind him to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen gabriel told andrew to remind him to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen andrew told timothy to remind him to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen timothy told edward to remind him to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen edward told dylan to remind him to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen dylan told sulaiman to remind him to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen sulaiman told nikolas to remind him to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen nikolas told zhen hong to remind him to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen zhen hong told jeremy to remind him to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen jeremy told brian to remind him to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen brian told ameerul to remind him to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen ameerul told adil to remind him to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen adil told bertrand to remind him to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen bertrand told jared to remind him to remind adil to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen jared OBVIOUSLY told sebastian(serlesbian) to remind him to remind bertrand to remind adil to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classthen sebastian(serlesbian) told melvin to remind him to remind his lover(jared) to remind bertrand to remind adil to remind ameerul to remind brian to remind jeremy to remind zhen hong to remind nikolas to remind sulaiman to remind dylan to remind edward to remind timothy to remind andrew to remind gabriel to remind fahmy to remind leonard to remind jeren to remind shivraj to remind daniel to remind joshua to remind justin to remind bryce to remind karthik to remind zong yang to remind sherman to remind ian to remind kevin to remind the classTHEN MELVIN HAS USUAL, WROTE ALL THAT IN IS GEEKY NOTEBOOK AND THERE ENDS THE JOKE LOLLol those whose name I forgot to include, I apologise as my eyes are like bleeding now lololololol. HOPEFULLY u had some laughs hehe…Karthik
Hello is my blogskin nice????sae yes. actually i realli lyk it.Fridae was damn funny la let me tell u1.After P.E i accidently take the wrong pant lorr!!!it was bryce's.actually he took mine then i wore the one that was on my chair IT WAS DAMN FUNNI LA then miss wee come in the class aredi!then i was like WTF then i turn around and chng!2.We all had to a anenmometer and it was like NOONE DID IT except like 2 groups lol then durring recess evrione was like CHEONG DE we all buy like 4 milkshakes and 4 H2Os each group and then FINISH all and then do.WAH our MOUTHS WOULD HAVE BEEN SUPER COLD la but we share within our group and with those hu had done the project alredi! ALL OF US manage to complete but in the end...SHE DID NOT EVEN COLLECT AR!!!!WTH!?!?!?3.geog lesson ending then ms wong told kevin(chairman) to remind the class to bring geog books on wed as there was extra lessons. then she ask Ian(geog rep.) to remind kevin to remind the class LOL then i made a SUPER LONG joke bout it i tell all of you in another post!Karthik


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