Tuesday, May 22, 2007



We managed to get 5th for soccer
and 9th for touch rugby
better than we expected(YEAH!!!)


Monday, May 21, 2007


i rather be hated for who i am

that loved for who i'm not!


1 chance

life is to short to wake up in the morning with no regrets

so...love the people who treat u right

forget about the ones who dont and just believe

that everything happens for a reason...

if you get a chance... take it...

if it changes your life... let it

nobody said that it would be easy.

:; they just promise that it would be worth it...


Sunday, May 20, 2007

tears in my eyes, i cry....

Sometimes when i'm alone, i cry
thats because i am on my own
the tears i cry are bitter and warm
they flow with lif but take no form
i cry because my heart is torn
i find it difficult to carry on
if i had an ear to confiding
i would cry among my treasured friend
but who that you know stops that long
to help another carry on
the world moves past
and it would rather pass by
then to stop and see what makes one cry
so painful and sad
and sometimes...
i cry
and no one cares about why...

tupac shakur

Saturday, May 19, 2007

up there, yes...

Look up into the night sky
imagine that there are billions of stars out there
all of different
rays and light
appearences all look different 2!

imagine that they're having a parade there
high up in the dark night sky
leaving a string of light behind them
so beautiful!

now close your eyes
keep in mind the picture you had
imagine the person you treasure the most
from deep down your heart
scream out his/her name in your heart
think of all the good times
how has this person helped you?
what makes you love that person?

then open your eyes
if that person was a star,
wat would he/she look like?

2 me,
the one as bright as she is


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Math is gonna be more strict

Hi guys,
from now on I think Ms Wee is going to be much more strict
so you all better start doing your work and corrections properly

Anyway as far as I know we need 15 people
for each game in inter-class
11 players and 4 reserves
since our class has 29 people
we'll probably put 15 people in soccer and 14 in rugby
btw the reserves may not be able to play that much
anyway there are some people working out the teams
Mainly Ian for soccer
and Timothy, Jeren and Leonard for rugby
So don't be dissapointed if you are put in a sport you don't like.
And if you have very strong objections please feel free to approach me
I'll see what I can do but I don't guarantee anything.
Resrves don't be dissapointed either
so that's about all for now so
see ya


Wednesday, May 9, 2007

You Are 36% Open

You are open at times, but generally you don't let many people into your inner world.
It's possible that you have a friend or two that knows you well.
But to most people, you are a total mystery.


Tuesday, May 8, 2007

the geek

haha look what i found one google while searching some crap

only some as geek as M***** (not to b disclosed) haha!!!

for more info go melvin's blog....(its in the links)
why is it there!!!!!!
it shouldnt be there!!!!

Friday, May 4, 2007

I am 28% loser. What about you? Click here to find out!
Ha ha I'm Kinda Cool =P
look at this damn funny video!!!!!!:P


Thursday, May 3, 2007

I am 71% loser. What about you? Click here to find out!


my loser score.

Those who have not taken the losers test yet, pls go n take it!!!

I am nerdier than 24% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

HI, guys

This is like my nerd score!! - my 2nd try at the nerd test!!!

and the 101st blog!!!


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

100th post

100th POST!!!
Our blog has reached it's 100th post!!
Anyway good luck to you all for your exams
I still slacking
Anyway good luck
Guys, try the nerdy test thing
And I do not dispise nerds =p

The one below is my nerdy score,
your class chairperson =P
well soon to be sacked bust still
I nerdier than only 7% of the people

Less Nerdy than you! =p

I am nerdier than 7% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!
I am nerdier than 55% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

0.0 Oh man. Look my score. Oh my gosh. Didn't expect it to be so high. Heh. I'm nerdier than I thought. Haha.


Wow!! No latest blogs for 2 days!!! Anyway, who watched spiderman 3 already???? Ummmm.... 2day was a very funny day. Me, zong yang, brycey and karthik were laughing like mad lah in the corner of the classroom. Apparently, we were talking about "indian chiefs" la..... Then we started to make jokes about -------. We were laughing like mad throughout the info skills period... Then were saw melvin picking up 2 scissors and doing some really funny actions...... and making some really wierd expressions. We saw melvin multitasking- reading 2 books at the same time. Then as we were "good" friends with him, we did not like "saboh" him. We merely exclaimed " MELVIN, DON'T WORRY, WE WON'T TELL TEACHER THAT U R READING UNDER THE DESK!!!!!!!" Hahahahaha...................... We laughed like the entire period la.... The jokes were so funny that Zong Yang who was drinking water actually spat out the water he was drinking...... And me.... I laughed until my stomach was so pain....... Anyway, why are there no blogs recently??? i think it must be due to the upcoming exams... Nvm..... We can work on it after the Ta2........