Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Wow!! No latest blogs for 2 days!!! Anyway, who watched spiderman 3 already???? Ummmm.... 2day was a very funny day. Me, zong yang, brycey and karthik were laughing like mad lah in the corner of the classroom. Apparently, we were talking about "indian chiefs" la..... Then we started to make jokes about -------. We were laughing like mad throughout the info skills period... Then were saw melvin picking up 2 scissors and doing some really funny actions...... and making some really wierd expressions. We saw melvin multitasking- reading 2 books at the same time. Then as we were "good" friends with him, we did not like "saboh" him. We merely exclaimed " MELVIN, DON'T WORRY, WE WON'T TELL TEACHER THAT U R READING UNDER THE DESK!!!!!!!" Hahahahaha...................... We laughed like the entire period la.... The jokes were so funny that Zong Yang who was drinking water actually spat out the water he was drinking...... And me.... I laughed until my stomach was so pain....... Anyway, why are there no blogs recently??? i think it must be due to the upcoming exams... Nvm..... We can work on it after the Ta2........


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