Saturday, March 31, 2007

second posting by Zongyang

Man U inched closer to the title! 4-1! Aw yeah. This is good, random people have been viewing the class blog. 102, spread the word to other classmates who don't know about this. I don't want this blog to rot to death like my ex-class(6G)'s one. That probably explains why I'm so (insert some word here) paranoid. Anyway, for 102, the relay team is as follows: 1st runner:Justin
2nd runner: Sherman
3rd runner: Joshua
4th runner: Zong Yang(which is me la if you didn't know)
Any violent objections from anyone from the class? If so, do tell any of the runners. Both relay events are the same runners. Note to all: This track-and-field is included in the inter-class points. So do your utmost best guys. Bring glory to 102 yeah? Be class-proud! By the way, 200m heats and finals is on next Tuesday! Wish me luck yeah? Haha. And um people who pass by this blog, please don't spam. Much appreciated.


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